Wednesday, 18 January 2012

This Means War

I've decided to see if I can copy "Gossip Girl" in my making all my blog titles film names or slightly-altered film names. "This Means War" is a film to be released on 17th February, starring Chris Pine and Tom Hardy, about two CIA operatives who compete over the same woman (Rheese Witherspoon). Naturally my friends and I have all started choosing whether we are "Team Tom" or "Team Chris". That in mind, I have chosen this film title to head this blog, the main focus of which will be the debate over who is better, J.J. Field or Tom Hiddleston?

Looking at these two - crudely put together and not very clear, I apologise - images, you can see immediately why I compare the two men. In fact, when I googled J.J. Field (left), the above image of Tom Hiddleston (right) appeared on Google amongst many that were actually of J.J. I have loved J.J. Field since I saw him in the TV adaptation of Philip Pullman's "The Ruby in the Smoke" in 2006, in which he played Fred Garland, who in book form is possibly the love of my life and who is almost equally sensible, lovable and charming when played by J.J. (though don't get me started on Billy Piper as Sally Lockhart).  He then went on to play another literary love of mine, Henry Tilney in 2007's "Northanger Abbey". J.J. has had a few film appearances, "Centurion" in 2010 and "Captain America" in 2011, in both of which he played minor characters, but he has never had the success I believe he deserves. He's handsome, inherently charming, charismatic and a good actor.

Now to Tom Hiddleston. Where did he come from exactly? I first saw him in "Cranford" in 2009 (not even the first, proper series of "Cranford") in which I barely paid him attention. IMDB-ing him now, I see he also had a regular part in the British "Wallander", a very good show. This, I believe, is how he got his big break, playing the main villain in "Thor" in 2011, directed by Kenneth Branagh, who played Wallander. Now, all of a sudden, he's getting decent roles in Woody Allen's "Midnight in Paris", beside Rachel Weisz in "The Deep Blue Sea" and, of course, he is to be the big baddy in the upcoming "Avenger's" film (playing Thor's brother Loki once again). What really gets my goat is the fact that whenever J.J. Field does pop up now - which seems rare - people ask "Is that the guy who plays Loki?" No! It is not the guy who plays Loki, it is the original of these dopplegangers, who for some reason has not been as successful! Ok, ok, I like Tom Hiddleston. He's very good as Loki and he has played well every part I have seen him in, but I can never forgive him for overshadowing J.J.! My theory is, if the latter's first two names weren't a mystery - what exactly does "J.J." stand for? - he would be the international star!

Film news: Watch "This Means War" and decide for yourself if you're "Team Tom" (clearly the better choice, it's Tom Hardy for goodness sake) or "Team Kirk" - I mean "Team Chris".

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