This post has been resting in my archives for weeks, filled with trailers and news which have caught my eye but without a film review to accompany them and merit the publication of said post. So today I say "Screw it!" I am going to put it out there just so that my home page can enjoy a bit of a change and so I don't get completely out of the loop of blog writing.
"Dark Shadows": This is the first trailer I have seen for "Dark Shadows" and my reaction was basically "Oh my God, this is already my favourite film and I haven't even seen it yet." I have strong hopes that this film will show Burton back on top form, reflecting the talent that created films such as "Edward Scisshorands" and "Sleepy Hollow". Admittedly, I have enjoyed all works of Burton's which I have seen, despite the general consensus that his recent films haven't been to the high standard he was once known and loved for, but I do believe that his finest works are his earliest and would love to be able to add this new one to that list!
"Prometheus": The first trailer for Prometheus was rather vague, a teaser trailer as they say, showing brief, though exciting and tantalising clips, but with no real hint at plot. This is a more detailed and comprehensive look at the film and it has me even more excited than before, because, as well all know, the viewing of a trailer really hits it home that the film WILL soon be coming to a cinema near you.
Film News:
Someone has decided to create a film that is perfect for me in almost every way and not tell me about it. The cast includes Helena Bonham Carter (I could stop there and be happy) and Eddie Redmayne, two of my favourite Brits, and an impressive dash of the Hollywood A-list with our favourite Aussie-Bafta-combo Hugh Jackman and Russel Crowe and wannabe-Brit Anne Hathaway. To top this all off, it's a musical! Aka, back to a bit of singing for Helena and the beautiful Eddie will be using that rich voice of his to make us all swoon I hope. What is this glorious movie-in-the-making you ask? Or are you much more in-the-know than I have been lately? Well, either way, it's the new production of "Les Misérables"! I'm ashamed to say I don't know the plot, it's terribly uncultured of me I know, but I will most certainly be getting myself up to speed. According to a Tweet by Jackman, today (8th March) is the first day of shooting.
First photo from the "Lone Ranger" shoot |
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