I do apologise for the long absence of new posts in this blog. It is the middle of my revision and exam period now and so I have not had much opportunity to go to the cinema, nor to review those films which I have managed to see. Nonetheless, I shall attempt to write a brief and belated review of "The Cabin in the Woods", a fantastic horror film which I was lucky enough to catch two weekends ago.
"The Cabin in the Woods" is a Joss Whedon film which was actually filmed in 2009 and initially due for release in 2010, but due to lack of funding and financial problems its release was delayed until this April, when it finally and thankfuly came out. It is difficult to discuss this film without giving away too much. Many even argue that the trailer is too revealing because *spoilers*....
this film has a big twist, some of which is clear within the advert. Then again, that part which is clear in the trailer is actually revealed pretty much within the first scene of the film and the main revelation comes gradually during the film and neither I nor the trailer will let you in on that secret. However, if you want to go into the cinema completely in the dark, no pun intended, which I think may be a very fun way to watch this film, look away now!
*sigh* Chris Hemsworth looking grumpy |
Now, this is where Joss Whedon does something clever, for that is only half of the story. Another set of characters are introduced, dwelling in what appears to be some sort of underground army base or compound, and they're running the entire show in the cabin. This is all I'll tell you about the plot, anymore would be too much I assure you.
Many have argued that this film is not scary. To be honest, I was jumping and covering my eyes left right and center, but as I've mentioned before, I'm not very good with horror. However, even if you do want to argue that it's not scary, I will counter-argue that this film is not really part of the horror genre. At its core, this is a sci-fi film, and all Whedon fans know that this is something Joss does very well: Mix sci-fi with monsters. We've all seen "Buffy"! TCITW, which appears to be another of the many typical teens-in-the-woods-getting-naked-then-slaughtered movies is actually a satire of this genre, posing the question, "why do we enjoy sending teens out into the woods to bet brutally mutilated for our own entertainment?" This film is gory, but it's also funny and thought-provoking.
The cast all play their parts well as you can usually expect when a director hasn't gone for the most famous names he can scrabble together. Though we all know and love Chris now, this film was actually pre-Thor. And many Joss Whedon fans will recognise "Dollhouse"'s Fran Kranz skulking on the left there, as the films resident stoner and wise-guy, and "Angel" and "Dollhouse"'s Amy Acker as one of the science nerds behind the whole cabin project.
The film's pace is incredibly quick and not one moment is wasted on boring details we don't need. You won't be able to predict the multiple twists and turns and your attention will be captivated throughout as every 5 minutes leads to another revelation about the underlying plot. The ending is one of the best, most thrilling I have seen in a long time. Unfortunately, I can't reveal any of the gory details, but the film picks up a ridiculous pace and lets just say Whedon lets his imagination run wild with a multitude of horror film parodies. The finale will have you gripping your seats as you wait with baited breath to see how it will all pan out.
On Saturday night I then re-watched Scorsese's brilliant "Shutter Island". It has a fantastic performance from Leo DiCaprio, who always delivers these days, and I would recommend it to all fans of Leo, Martin Scorsese, thrillers, mysteries, films in general and pretty much anyone when it came down to it. A brilliantly suspenseful and moving film, which will frighten you and make you cry.
I must warn you not to expect another post for a while, as exams will probably get in the way, though I do completely intend to watch "Avengers Assemble" this Saturday and if I'm lucky will have time to do a quick review, which I imagine will go something along the lines of...
"Oh my God it was so good. I loved Thor SO MUCH and RobertDowneyJrandLokiandalltheothrzitwaswelxcitingcn'twaitforasequal.OMGOMGOMG!" Or you, some such squeal-like wails.
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